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Explore nossa ampla gama de produtos de investimento cuidadosamente selecionados para atenExplore our wide range of carefully selected investment products to meet your financial needs and investment objectives.der às suas necessidades financeiras e objetivos de investimento.

The main types of funds we work with:


Real Estate Investment Funds (trusts) are pools of resources raised through the system of distribution of securities and intended for investments in real estate developments. The assets of an FII can be composed of several types of real estate, such as commercial, residential, rural or urban, both built and under construction, in order to be subsequently sold, rented or leased.

The return on invested capital occurs through the distribution of the Fund’s results, such as rents from commercial real estate, for example, or through the sale of the Fund’s own quotas.

List of Funds


The Quota Investment Fund (FIC) is an investment modality that acquires quotas of other funds available in the financial market. Issued by financial institutions, the FIC is managed by a specialized technical team that manages the composition of the portfolio.

Each FIC follows specific rules according to its regulation and segment. As determined by the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), at least 95% of the equity of the fund must be directed towards the acquisition of quotas of investment funds of the same class.

List of Funds


FIDCs, or Credit Rights Investment Funds, are investment vehicles designed to allocate funds in credit rights and securities that represent them. These rights come from various operations in the financial, commercial, industrial, leasing and service sectors.

In addition, FIDCs may invest in merchant contracts for the delivery or future provision of products, goods and services, as well as in securities representing those contracts.

List of Funds


Equity Investment Funds (FIPs) have as main objective the allocation of equity in different types of assets, such as shares, debentures, bonds and other securities that can be converted or exchanged for shares issued by companies, whether open or closed.

These funds play an active role in the decision-making process of the invested companies, exerting an effective influence in the definition of their strategy and in the management of the business, especially through the appointment of members to the Board of Directors.

List of Funds


Recently introduced in the Brazilian market, Fiagro – Direitos Creditórios is a specific investment fund category for the agro-industrial sector, focused on the application of credit rights, constituted according to the provisions of CVM Instruction 356.

According to the legislation governing the Fiagros, this new instrument has the possibility to invest in liquid assets, such as cras (Agribusiness Receivables Certificates) or Rural Product Notes (CPRs), in addition to the ability to acquire rural properties. In addition, there is the option for Fiagro to invest in quotas of other funds that allocate up to 50% of their net worth in assets backed by credit or other assets related to the agro-industrial sector.

List of Funds


A credit rights investment fund focused on the agro-industrial sector is a crucial tool for agricultural companies seeking to maintain a stable cash flow to finance their operations. FIDC is used to raise funds and offer financing with more favorable interest rates.

As established by the Fiagros legislation, this new instrument has the freedom to invest in liquid assets such as cras (Agribusiness Receivables Certificates) or Rural Product Notes (CPRs), and can also acquire rural properties. In addition, there is the option for Fiagro to invest in quotas of other funds that allocate up to 50% of their net worth in assets backed by credit or other assets related to the agro-industrial sector.

List of Funds