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In today’s corporate environment, maximizing returns and minimizing risks are top priorities. Okean Invest’s Exclusive Receivables Investment Funds (FIDCs) are the ideal solution to efficiently and personally achieve these goals.

What Are Exclusive FIDCs?

Exclusive FIDCs are investment vehicles customized to meet your company’s specific needs. By utilizing receivables, such as invoices and checks, as assets, these funds improve cash flow, offer financing at competitive rates, and reduce default risk. Additionally, they attract investors interested in fixed and predictable returns, providing security and financial stability.


Key Benefits of Exclusive FIDCs


Customization and Flexibility:

Tailored to your company’s priorities and constraints, Okean Invest’s Exclusive FIDCs offer unique and efficient financial solutions.

Tax Efficiency:

The structure of exclusive funds is optimized to maximize tax efficiency, resulting in significant savings on capital gains taxes and income distribution.

Strengthening the Supply Chain:

Investing in strategic partners enhances the stability of the supply chain, ensuring better negotiation conditions and innovation opportunities.

Investor Attraction:

Exclusive funds demonstrate a commitment to sound financial strategies, increasing investor confidence and facilitating the capital raising essential for company growth.

Succession Planning:

They offer an efficient platform for the smooth transition of business assets across generations, minimizing disputes and uncertainties, and ensuring the continuity of the company’s values and vision.

Risk Management:

Provide greater control over asset allocation and risk mitigation strategies, with full transparency and the ability to make quick, informed adjustments.

Cost Reduction:

For companies with large investment volumes, exclusive funds offer economies of scale in management and operation costs, resulting in more favorable conditions and lower expenses.

Rigorous Governance:

Okean Invest’s Exclusive FIDCs ensure compliance with strict governance policies, offering detailed and personalized performance and risk reports, aligned with your organization’s specific needs.

Exclusive Investment Opportunities:

Allow access to investments not available to traditional funds and enable strategic partnerships with specialized managers, expanding return possibilities.


Okean Invest’s Exclusive FIDCs represent an efficient and personalized strategy for companies looking to optimize their investment management. With benefits including customization, tax efficiency, improved governance, and access to exclusive opportunities, these funds are the right choice for companies across all sectors.

Contact Okean Invest today to discover how this innovative solution can transform your company’s investment strategy, taking it to new heights of financial success.

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